Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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#WEITERLEITUNG [[Versionen/Alpha (Bedrock)#0.14.0]]
{{version nav
|name=[[Overworld Update]]<ref>http://news.xbox.com/2016/11/11/end-2016-ender-update-minecraft-windows-10-pocket-edition/</ref>
|edition=Pocket Edition
|date=February 18, 2016
* [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0 build 1|build 1]]
* [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0 build 2|build 2]]
* [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0 build 3|build 3]]
* [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0 build 4|build 4]]
* [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0 build 5|build 5]]
* [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0 build 6|build 6]]
* [[Pocket Edition Alpha 0.14.0 build 7|build 7]]
|prevparent=Alpha 0.13.0
|prev=Alpha 0.13.2
|next=Alpha 0.14.1
|nextparent=Alpha 0.15.0

'''Alpha 0.14.0''', der erste Release vom '''[[Overworld Update]]''', war ein großes Update der ''[[Pocket Edition|Minecraft: Pocket Edition]]'', die am 18. Februar 2016 veröffentlicht wurde. Es wurden mehr Redstone-bezogene Blöcke hinzugefügt, [[Sumpfhütte]]n, [[Karte]]n, [[slime block]]s, and a redesign of some menu interfaces.

The update was the first to receive a name in the history of ''Pocket Edition''.

== Neuerungen ==

=== Blöcke ===

* '''[[Redstone]]-related blocks'''
** [[Redstone-Komparator|Komparator]]
** [[Werfer]]
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Custom name does not appear in GUI.
** Double [[trapped chest]]s
** [[Spender]]
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Custom name does not appear in GUI.
** [[Trichter]]
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Custom name does not appear in GUI.
** [[Verstärker]]
*** Locked [[Repeater]]s
* '''Neue [[Lore]]n-Varianten'''
** [[Güterlore]]
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Emits smoke when destroyed.
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Custom name does not appear in GUI.
** [[TNT-Lore]]
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Emits smoke when destroyed.
** [[Trichterlore]]
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Emits smoke when destroyed.
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Custom name does not appear in GUI.
* [[Kessel]]
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} [[Water]] color can be changed by adding [[dye]]s.
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Colors can be mixed.
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Can be used to dye leather armor.
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} [[Water bottle]]s can be used to refill [[water]].
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Can store [[potion]]s.
*** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Will make an explosion sound if potions are mixed, and the potions will disappear.
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} [[Potions]] inside [[cauldron]]s have a bubbling effect.
** Eimer können nun aus einem vollen Kessel gefüllt werden.

=== Gegenstände ===
* [[Rahmen]]
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Uses BlockEntity instead of [[Entity]].
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Can't be placed in blocks.
** Nutzt neue [[Sounds]].
* [[Karte]]
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Crafted using nine [[paper]].
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} [[Compass]] must be added through an [[anvil]] in order to show the player's position.
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Can be cloned using the [[anvil]], instead of the [[crafting table]].
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Can be zoomed using the [[anvil]], instead of the [[crafting table]].
* [[Roter Sandstein]]
** [[Rote Sandsteintreppe]]
** [[Rote Sandsteinstufe]]
** [[Gemeißelter roter Sandstein]]
** [[Glatter roter Sandstein]]
* [[Schleimblock]]
* {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Added [[Camera]] back.
** Neue Textur.
** Now has an interact [[button]]
** Can only be received through inventory editing.
* [[Enderperle]]
** Can only be obtained through [[mods]].
* [[Spawnei]]er
** [[Hexe]]

=== Kreaturen ===
* [[Hexe]]
** Hat neue Geräusche.
** When more than 11 blocks from a target and lacking [[swiftness]], 50% chance of drinking a [[potion of swiftness]].

=== Weltgeneration ===

* [[Sumpfhütte]]n
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} [[Kessel]] enthalten einen zufälligen [[Trank]].

=== Gameplay ===
* [[Kreativmodus]]
** Added [[survival]] [[inventory]] tabs and [[crafting]] tabs.
** Added the ability to put on [[armor]] in creative.
** Added that when the [[player]] changes the world to survival, they will keep their inventory.

=== Allgemein ===

* Replaced [[Pocket Edition]] start screen with new UI.
* Added more [[Achievements]]. (nur Windows 10)
* Added Export button to pause menu. (nur Windows 10)
** Button generates a file with suffix .mcworld.
*** Can be imported using the Import button.
* Added Import button to world selection screen (nur Windows 10)
** Worlds can now be imported.
*** Can only import worlds from files with suffix .mcworld and must have valid world files in them.
* [[Items]] now have an updated rendering system.
* [[Skin|Skin packs]]
** Redstone Specialists skin pack.
* [[Texture]]n
** Textur der Schaltfläche [[Sprache]] aktualisiert.
*** Looks more like Windows 10 Edition button.
* [[Optionen]]
** Change [[GUI]] size option.
* New interact buttons
** Öffnen
*** Wird beim Öffnen von [[Güterlore]] und [[Trichterlore]] verwendet.
** Karte erstellen
*** Wird bei der Erstellung von [[Karte]]n verwendet.

== Änderungen ==

=== Blöcke ===
* [[Trapped chest]]s
** Will now form a double trapped chest when placed next to each other.
* [[Pumpkin]]s and [[mob head]]s
** Can now be worn as armor by the player.
* Double [[flowers]]
** Will now spawn their respective items when bonemealed.
* [[Blume]]n
** The hitbox of flowers and similar is not the full block anymore.

=== Gegenstände ===
* [[Lederrüstung]]
** Kann nun gefärbt werden.
* [[Boot]]
** Erscheint jetzt genau dort, wo der Spieler geklickt/getippt hat.
* [[Schneeball]]
** Now spawn when breaking snow with a shovel.
* Splash Water Bottle
** It extinguishes any fire block that it's thrown at, as well as a maximum of five of them in the vicinity.

=== Kreaturen ===
* [[Zombie#Zombiekinder|Babyzombie]]
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Now have a 15% chance to want to be a jockey. If they want to be a jockey, upon nearing the player or villager they will check for one of the following to mount prior attacking:
*** Adult [[chicken]]
*** Adult [[ocelot]]
*** Adult [[wolf]]
*** Adult [[zombie]]
*** [[Kuh|Kühe]]
*** [[Schwein]]e
*** [[Schaf]]e
*** [[Spinne]]n
* [[Lohe]]n
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Leuchten nun bei Dunkelheit.
* [[Creeper]]
** Are slightly shorter (1.7 blocks tall rather than 1.8).
** Detection range for players wearing their corresponding [[mob head]] adjusted to be 50% of the normal range.
** Explosions are now much stronger and consistent in power
* [[Enderman|Endermen]]
** Drop the block they were holding when killed.
* [[Ghast]]
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Haben jetzt leuchtende Augen.
* [[Magmaschleim]]
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Cores now glow in the dark.
* [[Dorfbewohner]]
** Are slightly taller (1.95 blocks tall rather than 1.8).
** Will now spawn a witch when struck by [[lightning]].
** Naturally spawned villagers will now have more variety of professions
* [[Skeleton]]s
** Detection range for players wearing their corresponding [[mob head]] adjusted to be 50% of the normal range.
** Are slightly taller (1.99 blocks tall rather than 1.95).
* [[Zombie]]
** Detection range for players wearing their corresponding [[mob head]] adjusted to be 50% of the normal range.
* [[Kuh]]
** Are slightly taller (1.4 blocks tall rather than 1.3, with babies 0.7 blocks tall rather than 0.65).
* [[Mooshroom]]s
** Are slightly taller (1.4 blocks tall rather than 1.3, with babies 0.7 blocks tall rather than 0.65).
* [[Tintenfisch]]
** {{Versionshinweis|BE}} Now have bubbling particles.
** Are slightly smaller (0.8 blocks square rather than 0.95).
* [[Wither skeleton]]s
** Are slightly smaller (2.4 blocks tall and 0.7 blocks wide rather than 2.535 blocks tall and 0.72 blocks wide).
* [[Eisengolem]]s
** Are slightly shorter (2.7 blocks tall rather than 2.9).
* [[Wolf|Wölfe]]
** Are slightly taller (0.85 blocks tall rather than 0.8).

=== Weltgeneration ===
* [[Abandoned mineshaft]]s
** Will now generate [[minecarts with chests]].
* [[Dorf|Dörfer]]
** Increased [[door]] to [[villager]] ratio in [[villages]].
* [[Double fern]]s
** Now spawn in cold climates all over the [[world]].
* [[Moss stone boulder]]s
** Mega Taigas' moss stone boulders are rounder.
* [[Huge mushroom]]s
** No longer spawn in the [[water]] around roofed forests.

=== Allgemein ===
* '''Grafik/Performance'''
** Texturen aufgeräumt.
** Screenshots are full .png files.
** [[Snow]], [[carpet]], and [[slab]]s now render faster.
** Ladezeiten verbessert.
** Changed inventory button texture.
* '''[[Kreativmodus]]'''
** [[Chest]]s, [[anvil]]s, [[furnace]]s, [[dropper]]s, [[dispenser]]s, [[brewing stand]]s, [[enchantment table]]s, [[hopper]]s and [[crafting table]]s can now be interacted with by Creative mode players.
** The [[player]] can now pick up 64 of a [[block]] in creative by tapping and holding.
* '''[[Menü/Im_LAN_öffnen|Menü]]'''
** Broadcast to LAN is now grayed out during gameplay to indicate that it can't be changed.
* Übersetzungen aktualisiert.

== Fixes ==

'''[https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE/fixforversion/15475 79 Fehler behoben]'''

* Trapped chest does not provide power to redstone repeater.
* Alle Tonarten werden auf der Karte als graue Blöcke dargestellt.
* Doppelte Zauntore blockieren Spieler nicht.
* Player is unable to open minecart with chest and minecart with hopper.
* Player can’t close the chest window.
* Absturz, wenn ein Server einen Spieler wegen Inaktivität kickt.
* Mechanisms are being powered by redstone dust that is not aligned with them.
* Building massive world structures can lead to serious performance issues.
* Crash when a farmer villager runs out of seed to plant.
* Controller’s D-pad is inactive in brewing stand interface.
* Backgrounds & buttons in asian languages are too short for longer phrases.
* TNT minecart explosion on the curve does not destroy rail tracks under explosion.
* Die meisten Probleme mit Chunks, die mehrfach gesendet wurden, wurden behoben.
* Fehler behoben, bei dem der Server nicht mit der richtigen Geschwindigkeit lief.
* Amount of hits required to kill witch doesn’t vary with weapon.
* Fixed out of bounds error in Inventory related to linked slots.
* Player keeps all but armor in their inventory upon death.
* Skelettköpfe sehen von unten nicht hohl aus.
* Fence gates weren’t restoring their open state correctly either. Same pattern was needed as DoorBlock and TrapDoorBlock.
* Characters arms are in weird positions on Kindle and some iPads.
* The player is not able to open the chest when character stands close to it.
* Items from bottom half of the double chest disappear when the world is restarted.
* Missing Feed button when holding any kind of meat in front of untamed wolf.
* Missing Feed button while holding beetroot and potato in front of pig.
* Kein Geräusch beim Schwimmen unter Wasser.
* Player keeps moving after Player opens inventory screen with controller.
* Slots on anvil not lined up.
* Loren stacken nicht.
* The terrain flickers invisible if too many chunks are updated at the same time.
* Mushroom stew should not be poisonous.
* The darkening underwater effect fails to occur if the user rides boat into a waterfall.
* Flickering fence texture when it’s put underwater.
* Statt Kies wird Ton erzeugt.
* It is no longer possible to stack beetroot soup.
* Fehler behoben, bei dem man keine Farben im Chat verwenden konnte.
* Mobs stay aggressive after switching back to creative.
* Enderman glitches behoben.
* Tür-Texturen behoben.
* Probleme bei der UI-Skalierung behoben.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-369}} – Animals cannot walk through open doors.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-7947}} – You cannot bonemeal 2 high plants.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-8002}} – Tiere und NPCs despawnen zufällig.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-9357}} – Invert Y-Axis cannot be turned on when using touch controls on any platform, but works as expected with controllers.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-9378}} – Auto-jump cannot be turned off when using touch controls on any platform, but works as expected with controllers.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-9555}} – Regen und Schnee durchqueren Blöcke.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-9803}} – Korean translation error in 0.11.0 & 0.12.1.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-9866}} – Nether portal facing the ocean won't show the water.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-10206}} – "Play" button not translating when you selected a different language.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-10290}} – The buttons are bigger in cellphones and 7 inches tablet.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-10507}} – Tapping D-pad arrows highlights block beneath.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-10664}} – Enchantment tables hurt iron golems.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-10868}} – Killing then healing peaceful mobs brings them partially back to life.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11086}} – All mobs drop nothing unless killed by the player (or spawned or hurt by the player within 5 min of being killed).
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11158}} – Boat doesn't travel for people on LAN.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11166}} – Tamed Wolves display button Sit or Stand instead of Feed when holding Rotten Flesh.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11269}} – GUI Bug (in Japanese).
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11274}} – Trapped chests do not combine to form large trapped chest.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11282}} – Giant mushrooms are no longer spawned in terrain generation.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11583}} – Milking a cow causes player to immediately drink the milk.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11585}} – Lily pads not generating in Swamp biomes.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11586}} – Ghast attack animation does not appear when Ghasts attack.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11845}} – Opening Menu causes player to stop crouching or sneaking.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11876}} – Der Eisengolem nimmt Schaden durch einen Kuchen.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11898}} – Iron golem get hurt while standing in daylight sensor night/day.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-11932}} – Impossible redstone torch clock.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12081}} – [0.13.1] Slim custom skin models are titled "skins.customSlim".
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12091}} – Dog collars cannot display colors other than white.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12097}} – [0.13.1] Held items do not move along with the arm.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12102}} – [0.13.1] Player's arms do not move from the idle position when aiming a bow.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12110}} – Inconsistent opaqueness of redstone lamp.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12161}} – Zombie Pigman hat layer is missing.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12165}} – Mushrooms are not converted into giant mushrooms.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12261}} – Zombie villager's left leg is z-fighting something.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12278}} – Fences are not connected to monster spawner.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12330}} – Mooshrooms, cows, pigs, sheep and chickens don't panic after being attacked by player.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12353}} – Iron golem suffocates on non-full blocks.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12451}} – No Achievement for Rainbow Collection.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12468}} – Background spinning camera at the language menu does not act same like the main menu.
* {{Fehler|MCPE-12594}} – Translation error Español (España).

== Trivia ==

*Dies ist die erste Aktualisierung der Pocket Edition, die von Mojang einen offiziellen Namen erhalten hat.

== References ==


{{Navbox-Bedrock Edition Versionen|Alpha}}

[[el:Pocket Edition v0.14.0 alpha]]
[[en:Pocket Edition v0.14.0 alpha]]
[[es:Edición Pocket Alpha 0.14.0]]
[[fr:Version portable Alpha 0.14.0]]
[[ja:Pocket Edition v0.14.0 alpha]]
[[pt:Edição Pocket v0.14.0 alpha]]
[[ru:Alpha 0.14.0 (Pocket Edition)]]

Version vom 24. März 2023, 08:54 Uhr